The Association of Tree Officers is not a training organisation but would encourage tree officers to take a structured approach to their career.

There are many colleges and training providers that organise courses which lead to recognised industry qualifications, along with professional organisations that also provide information on training, training courses and events. The events giving an opportunity for continuous professional development (CPD):

Get Chartered

If you choose in your arboricultural career path to become chartered, you may want to consider the following:

National Tree Officers Conference (NTOC)

The NTOC annual conference is the only conference dedicated to tree officers. Its main aim is to have tree officers presenting to tree officers on best practice and sharing experience. The first conference was in 2016 and its success is reflected in the increasing numbers of attendees year on year. It is organised by the Association of Tree Officers, London Tree Officers Association, Municipal Tree Officers Association and the Institute of Chartered Foresters. Click here for more information.